Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pray, pray, and pray some more...

5 days until departure…

It seems that my journey toward Haiti has been filled with prayer. I have prayed about whether or not to go. I have prayed about finding a way to fund the trip. I have prayed that the planning all goes smoothly. I have prayed that the Haitians are welcoming to us. I have prayed for my team mates as I know the emotions and preparations that we have gone through to prepare for this trip.

Yet, I can never pray enough. I still pray that everything goes smoothly. I pray that my family doesn’t miss me too much while I am gone. I pray that I can make a difference in someone else’s life. I pray that we have safe travels. I pray that all of our baggage is light enough for the airline. I pray that everyone stays healthy and safe.

As we get closer and closer, I have found myself being prayed over by so many people who care about me. I have been prayed over not once but twice by my small group. Our team appeared by name in the church bulletin and I know the prayers of the whole congregation have been with our team. Pastor Justin lead a prayer at the 11am Journey service for our team on Sunday. More and more people continue to tell me that they will pray for me. I feel so incredibly blessed and overwhelmed by the power of God.
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  [ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV]
I rejoice in the opportunities and love the the Lord have given me. I am thankful for everything that has been provided and the help that I have been given to make this happen. This is God's will.

As always, please keep my team, their families, and the whole nation of Haiti including the children I will be teaching and helping all in your prayers.

I love you - from Haiti
  - Jen

Monday, March 26, 2012

How to save a life? Start with Prayer...

7 days until departure...

Wow... the past several months have flown by! It was back in September when Stefanie first suggested that I go with her to Haiti. It was October that my employer offerred to pay half my cost. It became real in January, even more real in February, and now it's March and I only have to pack and kiss my husband goodbye before I leave. OK maybe it's not that easy, I still have to work for this week, but still!

I have been going to the smaller service on Sunday evenings lately and volunteering for hospitality. I realized yesterday, how much fun the earlier service is. The gym is packed and the songs give me chills when I hear the whole congregation singing out in words of praise. In addition to those chills, Pastor Justin called up the mission team for Haiti as well as the high school/college mission team for New Orleans so the congregation could pray over us as we prepare for our travels. The power of prayer  swept over me. I feel so grateful to all of the people who have been lifting me up in prayer along with my team members and the Haitians as well. I must say, my prayer has taken on a new life and energy.

We had out last team meeting before we leave and we finally got to meet EVERYONE! We even got to bond while packing our spare suitcase full of school supplies and diapers. We received our room assignments as well. My two room mates (Amy & Stephanie) are already good friends, but I'm sure I will fit in alright - plus how much time do you really spend in the hotel room? There are two grade-school students traveling with parents with us, and I am so excited to see them grow! I wish that I had the opportunity to do this when I was younger.

I also signed up to lead the morning devotion for next Tuesday! This will be my first time leading a devotion, so  I pray that God is with me and gives me the knowledge that I need. It is scary to lead a prayer in front of a group. But I think I have come to realize that this is an irrational fear. Talking to God can never be wrong.

Mitch Albom is a local reporter here, he has had a lot of involvement in giving back to the community and the world. Attached below is his article from yesterday's Free Press. Many people have asked me, Why go to Haiti? Why not help people here? My answer, I do help people here. But until we see the world and the level of poverty, it is inconceivable. Here, people's needs are not the same as they are in other countries.

Mitch Albom: A day in Haiti, a life in the balance
March 25, 2012
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti -- How do you save a life? You start by finding it.
This was a typical hot day at the mission orphanage in Haiti. Our group of volunteers, nicknamed the Detroit Muscle Crew, was busy hammering, plumbing, wiring and slapping down concrete. One of the young Haitian men working with us -- his name is Jackie -- had a question.
Could we help his sister?
What happened to your sister? we asked. She fell, Jackie said. Was she hurt badly? He thought so. When did it happen? Four days ago.
Four days ago?
A small group was dispatched to check it out, including Detroiters Herbert Studstill and Val Gokenbach. Studstill has been in Haiti off and on for five years and has seen a great deal. Gokenbach is a former vice president and chief nursing officer at Beaumont Hospital who has joined us many times. This was her first house call.
What they saw was only slightly more shocking than where they saw it. A narrow passageway full of stinking sewers led to a cinderblock dwelling atop a platform. The entire home was the size of one small American bedroom. The roof was made of tin, keeping the heat in.
"It had to be 110 degrees in there," Gokenbach recalled.
Four people lived inside: Jackie, his younger brother, his mother -- who was crying and reading a Bible when the group arrived -- and his sister, Redja, who lay on a bare mattress, next to two buckets of blood, barely conscious.
Terrible living conditions
How do you save a life? You start by asking questions. Redja, they were told, had been playing with some children when she fell and landed face first on concrete. Her jaw was fractured. Her teeth were knocked out. She bled profusely -- Gokenbach estimated four units of blood had been lost, about 4 pints, or a third of her supply -- and Redja's mother had been trying to get her to drink the blood back into her body.
For four days she had been lying there with no attention, no medicine, no relief, no fluids. Her face was contorted from swelling, her lips were horribly swollen and cracked from dehydration. She had a fever. She likely had an infection. Her hands were cold and clammy, indicating a drop in blood pressure. Her pulse was 120 beats a minute. She was in hypovolemic shock and barely able to moan in pain.
When Gokenbach, Studstill and the others returned, they shared with me the details of her situation. We decided to bring Redja to the Have Faith Haiti Mission by dispatching several young men who could carry her. The consensus was she would die if left in that house. At least with us she would have a chance.
A new chance at life
How do you save a life? One step at a time. Redja was fed fluids through a syringe. Eventually, she became responsive enough to start antibiotics, then pain medication, then iron supplements. Ice brought down the swelling in her face and mouth.
By the next day, she expressed hunger, and she was given rice, beans, peanut butter, even a Twinkie -- anything she could get down. Her strength increased, her pulse dropped. She finally was able to urinate, suggesting she at least had been hydrated. A doctor visited. A dentist was arranged -- paid for by Studstill, Gokenbach and others.
By the third day, Redja was speaking. She said she would never forget what had been done for her. She said no one had ever shown her kindness before.
She is 20 years old.
You may ask how this could happen. What about medical care? Insurance? Ambulances? But the rest of the world is not America. There is not always a phone. Not always a hospital. Medical care must be paid for in advance. Impoverished and sometimes superstitious families may not know what to do or whom to call.
By the end of the week, Redja was out of danger. Continued care is being arranged. If not for Gokenbach, Studstill and other volunteers, there likely would be a funeral this weekend. Instead, Jackie has his sister back.
We think on this now and shake our heads. It was just another hot day in Haiti. We were going about our business. Jackie had a question ...
How do you save a life?
Sometimes just by showing interest in one.
To help, go to .
Mitch Albom asks us to consider, how do you save a life?  Mitch talks about saving a life here on Earth and that finding a life is the first step, but I think it is much more important than that. I think it all comes back to prayer. Belief in God and Jesus. Planting seeds so that others can understand who Jesus is. Because it is through Jesus that we have eternal life. That is how we save a life. We pray that the Holy Spirit is with those in need and leads their heart to Jesus so that they will never perish.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. [John 3:16 NIV]

As always, please keep my team, their families, and the whole nation of Haiti including the children I will be teaching and helping all in your prayers.

I love you - from Haiti
  - Jen

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hands and feet...

12 days until departure…

Last night was the last small group bible study meeting for some of us before we leave for Haiti. Stefanie and Matt are going to a concert next week, so the group decided to pray over us in addition to our weekly prayer requests.

I must say, I have never been prayed over that way before. Holding hands with some people and having others' hands on my shoulders, I knew God was there. I felt so FULL – filled with spirit. Thinking about it now makes my eyes tear up a bit in gratitude to everyone there. I suppose I have been blessed to not have required many prayers for me directed to God, but I also feel blessed that I was able to feel the pure power of prayer.

There is another mission team in Haiti now; they are not in Port-au-Prince, but on a remote compound. They are there providing medical and dental attentions that are needed. Today I ask that your prayers be with them as they provide help to our brothers and sisters in Christ. Please keep your prayers with the team in Haiti right now, as they set examples to others on how to love thy neighbor.

"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?" Jesus replied: "’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’ All the Law and Prophets hang on these two commandments." [Matthew 22:36-40 NIV]
Jesus tells us to Love. Love is a gift from God. I choose to Love others just as I love myself – I may need some work on it and I may need to improve the level of love toward myself, maybe that will help me love others more.

The people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But disciples rebuked them. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there. [Matthew 19:13-15 NIV]
While I am in Haiti, I will be around the children. I will be teaching and learning. Children are important to Jesus; they are the children of God just as every one of us is. Please excuse the very long passage below, but you really must read it all to understand where I am going with this… I want to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. I hear it often and take it to heart. I desire to do the works of God in the ways that only Jesus could have taught us to.

God sacrificed his only Son for the forgiveness of my sins, and though I can never repay my debt to him, he loves me anyway. So it is my goal to do my very best to please him by continuing to spread the word of God just as Jesus had. In Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians he talks about the church being a body – there are different parts that do different things, but without one part or another, the body would be incomplete.

It is in this passage, that I find the meaning of being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. Feet are presentable and often considered to be a body part that need no special treatment (unless you are a female and go for regular pedicures) but they don't really need special treatment. Same with the hands - we take care of our feet and hands but as they are presentable they often don't receive special treatment. As hands and feet, we ask for no special treatment, we simply do as is needed. As the head (the teachers come third) is indespensible and fragile, the feet need the head and the head need the feet. Together we go to Haiti.

Also, if one part of the church suffers, every part should suffer with it. If Haiti suffers, we should suffer with them. Educators (the head) should work with the people of social ministries (the hands and feet) to bring knowledge to those people who are in need. I think this is the purpose of our trip to Haiti. To work together as one body. There are many parts that are combined to do God’s work but we all make up one body – God’s people.

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body-whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free-and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not mad up of one part but of many. Now if the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason stop being a part of the body. And if the ear should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason stop being a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. IF they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don’t need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don’t need you!" On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the other parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there would be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it. And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? Now eagerly desire the greater gifts. And yet I will show you the most excellent way. [1 Corinthians 12:12-30 NIV]
Please keep my team, their families, and the whole nation of Haiti including the children I will be teaching and helping all in your prayers.

- Jen

I love you - from Haiti

Friday, March 16, 2012

The luxury of our needs being met....

17 days until departure…

I am getting so amped up! Only 17 days left until we leave for Haiti!! BUT I am also feeling guilty… As I am preparing for my trip to Haiti, I have spent so much money making sure I have comfortable shoes, a rain coat, food that I won’t get sick of, and countless other things that I will "need" when I am down there. While I am sure that all these things will make my trip run smoothly and rest assured I have the ability to afford these needs… but in Haiti, what I see as needs are in fact luxuries.

The people in Haiti have real needs – food, clean water, medicine, housing, education, and so many more things. In turn, I am worried about what kind of water bottle I will take. I am lucky to have the ability to afford these luxuries. Even the medicines that I have gotten to take "just in case" are medicines that the people in Haiti may need on an everyday basis but cannot afford.

Last week I made the decision to start giving more in donations – though it is not quite as close to tithing as I want it to be, I know I have room to move closer to that goal. 3 days after I made that decision, I won a prize of $100! I think God is letting me know that I have the right idea.

Please keep my team, their families, and the whole nation of Haiti including the children I will be teaching and helping all in your prayers.

- Jen
I love you - from Haiti

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What you find when you aren't looking...

27 Days Until Departure

I have been looking for things upon things getting everything ready to go for the trip. I found some trail-mix type food, I found some anti-bacterial sprays that are travel-size, I found bug-spray, I found sun-block.... you name it I've found it...

Our Church has even "found" enough in donations to cover the cost for more than SIX boxes of cloth diapers which we will be taking to the Orphanage with us! Stories from last year indicate that there is a need of these there - soon I am sure I will understand!

While we are in Haiti we are going to be doing a Vacation Bible School with two of the schools in Port-au-Prince, 3 days at each. We have a wonderful team that has worked to create a wonderful Bible lesson for each of the three days. Here is what we will be teaching, "No matter who you are, no matter where you go, no matter what happens... trust God!"

Day 1:
Bible Story: A Roman officer has faith in Jesus.  Matthew 8:5-13
Bible Point: No matter who you God!
Key Verse: People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.  1 Samuel 16:7
Day 2:
Bible Story: Jesus dies and comes back to life  Matthew 27:32 - 28:20
Bible Point: No matter what God!
Key Verse: And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from the love of God.  Romans 8:38
Day 3:
Bible Story: Jesus makes a beach side breakfast for his friends.  John 21:1-14
Bible Point: No matter where you God!
Key Verse: Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord you God is with you wherever you go."  Joshua 1:9
We are planning fun crafts and games to play while we are there and as a team we have been gathering supplies - - It just so happens in the dollar section of a JoAnn's today, I found six "Vacation Bible School - Sticker Books"! Some of the things that you stumble upon when you are not looking amaze me. Amazingly there were six. One for each day. I think God and the Holy Spirit led me to find those stickers... I can't wait to see the children there be able to enjoy the gift that God helped me find for them.
I can't wait to see the smiles, hear their laughs or even their cries. I so look forward to learning more about myself in helping others. I have learned in the past year or two that helping others helps you find our own way in life - it has lead me to make good decision - it has led me to love others - it has helped me to overcome societies beliefs and move forward in my own Christian beliefs to lead the life that I want to have - one of faith.
I hear that in Haiti, the faith of people is groundbreaking - I'd bet that they have a few things to teach me while I am there and I promise to learn as much as I can so I can live a life that is closer to God.  So today, I found sticker books... I wonder what I might find while I am in Haiti... Please keep my team, their families, and the whole nation of Haiti including the children I will be teaching and helping all in your prayers.
I love you - from Haiti (in thoughts and in prayers).
- Jen